StartOmsorg och hjälpTrygg och säkerIf you are new in Sala – Information in English
Publicerad 2024-09-11
Uppdaterad 2024-09-11 11:09

Welcome to Sala! On this page you find information on where to turn with different questions during your first months in Sweden and Sala. This page will be updated continuously.

Sala is situated 1,5 hours west of Stockholm where the plains of Uppsala and the agricultural land of Mälardalen meet the dense forests of Bergslagen. It boasts wide open spaces, light and tranqulilty as well as a charming town centre with wonderful shops, interesting events and fun activities for the whole family.

Relevant authorities

Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket)

The Migration Agency is the central authority that considers applications from people who want to take up permanent residence in Sweden, visit, seek protection from persecution or get Swedish citizenship. The Migration Agency's responsibility includes providing housing and money for food to asylum seekers.

Information in English for persons coming to Sweden from Ukraine

  • Phone number to central agency: +46 771 235 235
  • Visiting address in Västmanland: Kopparbergsvägen 4, Västerås

The County Council (Region Västmanland)

The County Council is responsible for ensuring that you receive the health and medical care you need.

Embassy of Ukraine

Sala kommun - Sala municipality

The municipality (kommunen) is the local authority closest to the inhabitants. The municipality is responsible for receiving newly arrived refugees. Persons who have residence permit as a refugee are entitled to financial and other support from the municipality where they live.

You will get in touch with Sala kommun via telephone 0224-74 70 00 or e-mail

The opening hours of Sala kommun are 8.00 to 16.30 Monday to Friday.

Information is available here on our website

Information point for Ukrainian refugees

Ukrainian refugees can receive guidance, help and support from the municipality of Sala.

Location: Drottninggatan 5, Sala
Opening hours: Monday-Friday, at 08:00-16:00

Ukrainian refugees can also call the information point.

Phone: 0224-74 98 45


Call 1177

Call 1177 or +46 771-11 77 00 if you need to talk to a nurse. You can also get information on where to seek further help. The nurse will answer in Swedish but will be able to help you in English.

Healthcare clinic (vårdcentral)

Contact a “vårdcentral” if you are ill or injured or need maternity care. The staff at the clinic can help you with most problems.

Information in English on how to seek healthcare

Healthcare clinics in Sala municipality

Sala Väsby vårdcentral (health center)

Address: Sala Hospital, Lasarettsgatan 1, Sala

Show Sala Väsby vårdcentral on map

Phone number: 0224-584 00

Achima Care Sala vårdcentral (health center)

Address: Kålgårdsgatan 1, Sala

Show Achima Care Sala vårdcentral on map

Phone number: 0224-584 84


You can get help from an interpreter if you do not speak Swedish. Let the healthcare staff know when you make your appointment. The interpreter will either be in the room with you or interpret over the telephone.

More information about interpretation to other languages

Professional secrecy

It’s important to know that healthcare staff and interpreters have a professional secrecy obligation. They are not allowed to talk to other people about things you say unless you give them permission to do so.

Anxiety support

Numerous organisations offer support by phone, chat or e-mail. For example, the Red Cross or the Church of Sweden.

Pharmacies in Sala municipality

Apoteket Renen

Address: Drottninggatan 11, Sala

Show Apoteket Renen on map

Apotek Hjärtat

Address: Galleria Sala Torg, Stora torget 6, Sala

Show Apotek Hjärtat on map

Lloyds Apotek

Address: Rådmansgatan 17A, 733 30 Sala

Show Lloyds Apotek on map


If you are in immediate danger, call 112. The alarm operator will alert the rescue service, emergency services, police or ambulance.

Food and water

In Sweden you can drink the water from the tap.

If you want to find the nearest grocery store in Sala, you can google “Mataffärer i Sala”.

Childcare and schools

Children and young people who have received a residence permit or have applied for asylum have the right to education in Sweden. The municipality is responsible for primary and secondary education.

  • Pre-school: Children between 3 and 5 years
  • Primary school: Children between 6 and 16 years
  • Upper secondary school: Young people who have graduated from primary school

There are also classes and schools for children and young people with special needs.

Reception/preliminary assessment of newly arrived children/students in the Municipality of Sala.


Once newly arrived children/students have been registered with the Migration Agency, contact the Centre for Multilingualism (Centrum för Flerspråkighet, CF), which is the central reception unit of the Municipality of Sala, to ensure that they are received at a pre-school or school.

Who counts as “newly arrived”?

A newly arrived student is a person who used to live abroad but now lives in Sweden. The person must have started his or her education after the regular start of a semester in year 1 or later. After four years of enrolment in Swedish education, a student no longer counts as newly arrived.
Source: Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 12 a.

Pre-school children’s right to be placed is regulated by the Education Act.
Source: Education Act, Chapter 8, Sections 3–7.

Contact person

Marjatta Kantola Nilsson, Assistant Head of Unit
Telephone: 0224-748081
telephone hours: Monday to Friday, 9–11 a.m.

A CF co-ordinator makes an appointment for an initial reception meeting with the child/student and his or her legal guardians. If necessary, an interpreter from Västmanlands tolkservice is to be used.

The reception procedure has three different branches, depending on the type of school that the child/student intends to enrol in – pre-school, compulsory school or upper-secondary school.

When the initial reception meeting has been held and the first step of preliminary assessment according to the guidelines of the National Agency for Education has been completed at CF, the person at the Municipal Education Office (skolkansliet) who is in charge of pre-school and school placement should be contacted to ensure that the child/student in question will be placed at a school.

If the personal data of the child/student are protected by law, the Action Plan for Protected Personal Data of the Municipality of Sala is to be followed.

Sequence of events

  • CF becomes aware of a newly arrived child/student.
  • A CF co-ordinator contacts the family to check that notification to the Migration Agency has been carried out.
  • An appointment is made for a reception interview. If necessary, an interpreter is booked.

Public library

All municipalities have public libraries. At the library, you can use computers with an Internet connection and read newspapers in different languages for free.

Information about the public library in Sala municipality

Leisure activities and sports


There are twenty-seven playgrounds in and around Sala. In Kila there is a playground next to Kila school. Salas largest playground is in the city park and it's worth a visit for children of mixed ages.

Show the playground next to Kila school on a map

Other playgrounds in Sala municipality



The local public transport in Sala municipality is free of charge.

Public transport by bus in Västmanland is ensured by VL. On VL's website, you will find timetables and other traffic information about public transport in both Sala and Västmanland.

For information and tickets: download the app "VL" to your smartphone (available in English)


There is a train station in Sala. From there you can easily travel by train to Västerås, Uppsala and Stockholm.

Information and tickets:


Force majeure exceptions apply to pets who enter Sweden from Ukraine together with their owners. If your pet has not been controlled by customs staff at the border, you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible for rabies testing. The Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket) will cover the costs for this. If you have any questions, please contact Jordbruksverket at 0771-223 223 or

Red Cross

The Swedish Red Cross offers migration counselling for persons who have lost touch with relatives in Ukraine. Call 020-415 000 (Wednesdays 09:00 – 12:00).

More information at Red Cross website

0224-74 70 00 (växel)

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